Friday, November 18, 2011

Sallie Mae and Key Bank Can Kiss My Ass

I've been getting so many calls from unknown numbers that I decided to call one back. Turned out it is some company trying to collect for Sallie Mae. I told the pleasant woman on the phone, very calmly, that I do not have outstanding loans of any kind, and that no one in my home does either. I asked that they stop calling immediately. The next day and today, I continued to receive more calls from Sallie Mae's collection agency. I answered the last one and got no response until I asked, "Are you retarded?" A voice came on and asked me who I was. Naturally, I turned the question around on him so as to keep my ID anonymous. Since he would not listen to me, or let the truth sink in, I couldn't help but call him an asshole, and hung up the phone. After that, I found 4 numbers they have been using to contact me and promptly figured out how to block calls on my cell carrier's website. I feel calm for now.

Earlier, I logged on to Key Bank regarding a charge on my statement of $3. Immediately, I called said bank and was told that the charges are for "Excess Automated Tele Inquiry Charge". Of course this turned out to be the dirty little secret and slimy way that Key Bank could charge a fee for "customer service". Apparently, you can only call and/or use the automated phone system no more than 12 times before they slap on the $3 charge. Offenses after that cost $.75 per call or automated phone use!

I asked the bank several times why they are charging for what amounts to be customer service, and that I was leaving the bank, and I kept getting the response of another OBVIOUS question from them, which was "Why?" Ya fucking idiots; it's morally wrong to charge for "customer service". Since when did use of the phone for automated system inquiries cost money? This is even worse and slimier than Bank of America's threat to slap on a $5 fee for using one's own debit card! Outfuckingrageous. The both of them. Now I'm just waiting for a couple of checks to clear and will be finding a local credit union. Motherfuckers. I left Chase to go to Key. I "left "WA Mutual (bought out by Chase) to go to chase and they slapped on a $5 account fee for their business. Have these fuckers no shame at all? I told Key that I would be leaving their bank, as well as my husband and everyone we know, and that they will be losing more business as I want to make this public. These people need to be stopped for misleading me and the rest of the poor suckers with accounts at their bank.

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